Saturday, January 28, 2017

My First Day

Wednesday, January 25th, was my first volunteer day at Classic City High. My plan for the semester is to go every Wednesday for first period, which runs from 9:15 to 10:30. Other than getting slightly lost, locating the school was easy, which was my main concern for the day. Two of my classmates, Anna Warnell and Claire Sanders, were here for the same period as well. Claire had already started volunteering, so she was able to direct us and show us what to do at each arrival. 

The three of us were placed in Ms. Johns' class. The class consisted of eight boys. The day's subject was different types of clauses and identifying their uses. We were each assigned to help two students when the class broke up to do worksheets. Every  English or English Education major student understands how to use grammar correctly. We don't really think about terms or the mechanics of it anymore. I'm slightly embarrassed to admit I had to ask for help because I could not remember what a noun clause was and could not help my students. I also learned that just because you know the right answer, it does not mean you know how to coherently explain why it is the right answer. It made me appreciate all the years of flawless, easy to understand explanations teachers gave me in the past. 

The biggest behavior difference I noticed between the high school I attended and Classic City High was cell phone use. Every student had his cell phone out, and most also had headphones in. Ms. Johns only required the students to have one ear free. It was painful to watch them on their phones while she taught, but I have to remember what Ms. Mimi told us the first day of class. You pick your battles. For whatever reason, these students are struggling, and even if they have their cell phones out, at least they're here and participating. If there was a particular point Ms. Johns wanted to emphasize, she made sure every student looked up and thanked them.    

As a result of my first day, I have two goals for improvement. One, be refreshed and understand grammar terms and mechanics. Two, be able to explain answers without struggling for words or slightly rambling. 

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