Wednesday, May 3, 2017

My Tenth Day

On April 19th, I was expecting to work with Mr. Jones. Most of the days I arrived, he would not have anything for  me, and I would go to Ms. Johns. However, he assured me he had specific students and assignments for me this day. But, many students were missing, and they all were the ones he had in mind. So, I went back to Ms. Johns. Anna was there as well.

The class had been working with Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven." Today, they had a worksheet with different vocabulary words. There was a poetry term section and a literature term section. they had to find an example from the poem. I worked with one student, and it was a struggle. He was on his phone the whole time. Whenever I asked questions prompting him to work, he would just look for a second and say, "I don't know" until I basically gave him the answer. I tried to lead him to the answer, but I still haven't figured out a way to elegantly do that. Since he didn't know most of the terms, you would think he would pay attention when Ms. Johns went other the answers. He did not. This really frustrated me because it showed he just didn't care. I was mainly bothered because he was also always on his phone instead of listening, and I consider that really rude. Coming to terms with how much phone use there is has been difficult. I understand that students will use phones when they're supposed to be working, but he was texting while I was talking or Ms. Johns was. However, I could be misjudging the situation. There might be something going on with work or family, and he was dealing with it. I try not to assume, but it's difficult.

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